The power of community.

Ukiah needs an Art Center.

Resources and outlets for artists in rural communities can be few and far between or mired in steep representation/gallery commission fees. MEDIUM Art Gallery supports artists by holding juried bi-monthly exhibitions without submission fees, hosting First Friday opening events where artists and art lovers can connect, and paying the artist the entire list value of artwork upon sale. Additionally, artists are represented on our website and featured via social media. 

Our long-term goal is to secure a permanent location in which we can expand to provide artists with individual and shared workspaces equipped with tools and supplies to support a wide variety of mediums. We envision a place for all artists to network and learn from one another and, most importantly, to be held up by an organization committed to artists’ personal and career enrichment and success.

As we grow, we will add workshops, film screenings, artist talks, critique groups, and programming for children. Support for professionally photographing artworks will be provided free of charge to artists and dreams for the future, including a matting/framing station, community darkroom, and figure drawing sessions. 

The Deep Valley Arts Collective was formed by three local artists, Lillian Rubie, Chris Pugh, and Meredith Hudson, who have poured their hearts and spare time into making MEDIUM a reality. Having succeeded in demonstrating a proof of concept with the opening of MEDIUM and its continued operation, we are moving into the next phase of bringing our mission statement to fruition. 

In the near term, this means that we will be reaching out for community engagement in the form of volunteerism so that we may focus our energies more fully on expanding programming and applying for local, state, and federal grants. We need help with gallery sitting, occasional maintenance, and event support. This seed will grow into the ‘Collective’ portion of Deep Valley Arts Collective. 

Long term, our biggest hurdle will be in securing a building. This building will be in the downtown Ukiah area, centralized to events and in support of a safe, abundant, and diverse hub of community engagement and enrichment. We offer this hopeful vision as a scaffolding - by sharing our dream, we hope that awareness and excitement will also grow in our community. We welcome your ideas, brainstorming, and assistance with open arms!

Volunteer This form will stay updated with current and ongoing projects that we need more hands to help with. Please let us know if you’re interested in assisting with one or more of these needs!

Donate While we have maintained a positive cash flow, each financial donation allows us to dream a little bigger, and they are deeply appreciated. 

Network Do you know a local benefactor? A downtown building/business space that has sat empty and whose owner is interested in community improvement? A grant writer with experience in arts grants? We would love to discuss and learn more about our wonderful community! 

Support the Arts Come to the gallery and say hello, hop over for First Fridays, tell a friend about us, and tell us what you want to see next. We’d love to see you!

We are very grateful for your support of the Deep Valley Arts Collective. We hope that MEDIUM Art Gallery is just the first step toward a reinvigoration of art in the community and that artists will find success and fulfillment as we grow together. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are so humbled.